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  • 2022-09-11 09:01:31 来源:深圳新闻网



How to spend a traditional Mid-Autumn Festival in Shenzhen? Today, we will follow Jin Hongzhu, a reporter from Shenzhen News Network, and our international friend Alya, to experience the Twenty-Four Histories Academy in Gankeng Hokka Village, Longgang, Shenzhen. We will enjoy the traditional Chinese festival with a bright moon, a pot of green tea, and a full garden of palace lanterns.

深圳新闻网记者金洪竹与住深外籍小姐姐Alya在甘坑古镇二十四书院体验传统中秋节习俗。(李丹璐 摄影)

中秋节,寄托了人们美好愿望:月圆人团圆。图片拍摄于农历八月十四。(张玲 摄)

一秒穿越回大唐。(张玲 摄)


Across all pavilions, bridges and stairs, Jin and Alya who are dressed in Tang Dynasty costumes move gracefully as if ancient ladies come alive out of a painting. Based on the classical Chinese gardens, the Twenty-four Histories Academy gathers the essence of traditional Chinese elements here. There are not only series exhibitions of Twenty-Four Histories documents, but also special shops such as Dongpo Book Store and Floral Tea Room. It integrates reading, exhibition, meeting, parenting and tea party in one place. Along the way, you can see not only the elegance of Song Dynasty, but also the prosperousness of Tang Dynasty.

二十四史书院宫灯亮起。(张玲 摄)

在二十四史书院赏如水月色。(李丹璐 摄)

二十四史书院古色古香。(李丹璐 摄)


Under the full moon, people taste moon cakes and drink tea. It is the joy of life. Legend has it that mooncakes were invented in the Tang Dynasty. To balance the sweetness of moon cake, the ancients used to drink tea with their beloved families and friends. At this wonderful moment, the bright full moon is shining outside the window, and flowers are fully blooming. The girls are drinking tea with each other. Delicate moon cakes are reflecting the light of the moon. Our traditional culture is like a key to open the door of time and space, and let the moon which once shone on the ancients, also shine on the modern world.

携手同游二十四史书院。(李丹璐 摄)

夜色迷人。(张玲 摄)

园林中心有座亭子,史记亭。(张玲 摄)

品茶。(李丹璐 摄)

入夜,灯亮起,节日氛围满满。(张玲 摄)

佳茗共饮。(李丹璐 摄)

二十四史书院建筑一角。(张玲 摄)

甘坑古镇城墙。(张玲 摄)





标签: 二十四史




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【时快讯】粤菜师傅:炒出鹏城色香味 “三项工程”拓宽深圳市市民就业创业路


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